Saturday, February 7, 2009

Branding a Small Business - Look at the "Big Boys"

As a marketer, and in this blog, you will continually hear me talk about "branding", and keeping a consistent presence in your market.

As I watched the Food Channel last night, I again noticed two companies that had sponsored one of the programs - Goya Kidney Beans and Subaru.  Now, the fact that they have likely paid thousands and thousands of dollars to have their logo up on the screen as a sponsor (for probably two seconds total), AND that they also have paid (many more thousands) for commercials within the programming time, makes me think about the small businesses that I work with.

So many owners of small businesses want and expect an IMMEDIATE return on their investment.  If they spend $200 on an ad, they want to see traffic right after the ad goes out.  Although sometimes this can be expected, many more times, they have to understand that their ad is like a seed - and this seed takes time to grow.

That is EXACTLY what large companies and multi-national corporations do.  Do you think Subaru will have a client come in and say "I saw your commercial on Food Network"?  NOOOOO!!!!  But after seeing the Subaru ads, sponsorships, and promotions (over a period of time), a consumer is likely to eventually research and purchase that brand.

It takes time.  And it takes a dedication to a long-lasting marketing program.  Even if it is small, you are throwing your money out the window unless you are consistent.

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