Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Social Awareness & The Greater Good

Last night, at a networking meeting called "Green Drinks" (in Pueblo, Colorado), there were 31 people to come out and voice their interest and dedication to RECYCLING.

Many of these folks had seen the ad in the January/February edition of That's Natural!  Many of these folks were on our That's Natural! email list.  And many of these folks had heard about the organization through the founder of Green Drinks Pueblo - Dena Stevens (who is an EcoBroker).

How did this WORK?  How did these people come out on a very cold Tuesday night?  Why did they?

SIMPLE - they are socially-aware and socially-responsible consumers.  They are willing to take the time to learn about products and services that are good for them, their community, and their local economy.

Is your marketing effort reflecting your dedication to socially-responsible consumers?  Perhaps now is the time to find out, and to hop on the Sustainability Wagon! 

Monday, January 26, 2009

Effective Marketing - Call to Action

Are you a small business?  A sustainable business?  An entrepreneur?  A farmer?  A dreamer?  A believer?

Never in history has there been a better time to take a good look around you and decide if you are here to stay.

We are in a new market folks.  And if you want to keep your doors open (and make money with those doors open), then you better have a good marketing plan.

New Market = New Plan

Welcome to your resource for tips and and techniques to market your small business.  If you want to play with the big-boys, you better be ready to run.  I want to help you do that effectively.  

Because I believe in the power of a consumer and the power of a free-market economy.  And that is really all that this is about.